The Engagement....

The wonderful story behind how Adam asked me to marry him:

My sisters, Chelsea and Jenna, asked me to go to the park with them to get some sister pictures for Chelsea's graduation open house that was that night. It ended up sprinkling and it was getting late so I told them that I was not going to go down there and that Chelsea should have thought this out sooner instead of waiting until the last minute. Then Adam pulled me aside and said that I really needed to go because they had bought me a thank you gift and needed the pictures for that... So I felt bad and said that I would go down there, but I was not going to get all made up, and it needed to be quick. So we go to the park and have the fake photo shoot that Adam and the girls had all planned out. Then Chels said she wanted a picture of Adam and I. After a few pictures, he got down on his knee and asked me. My response... "You're doing this now?" followed by "Yes".

Thanks to Chelsea and Jenna for helping Adam with his plan! I am so glad you two were there to share the special moment with us!!!

Snapshots from the fake photo shoot: